
Suitable for ages +3

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Home Kids Activities Shapes What’s in the Box?

What’s in the Box?

A great sensory game designed for kids to learn through imaginative play.

  1. Place all of the shape objects in a bag.

  2. Using scissors, cut out 2 holes out on each side of the box. The holes should be wide enough for your child to fit their arms through. If the box is not open-top, cut the top off.

  3. Place the shapes cards next to the box so your child can see them as a reference. This helps connect the hidden object with reality.

  4. Ask your child to put their hands through the sides of the box.

  5. Ensure your child can't see what's in the bag, pass objects to your child's hands through the box and see if they can work out what shape it has.

  6. Once your child has identified the object shape, place the object on top of the shape card

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Happy Little Doers wins in the Junior Design Awards 2021 for Best Educational Toy Happy Little Doers wins in the Junior Design Awards 2022 for Best Toy Design for +6 Years Happy Little Doers wins in the Junior Design Awards 2024 for Best Creative Educational Play 2024 Happy Little Doers wins in the Made for Mums Awards 2022 for Best Puzzle Fully STEM Accredited Toy Brand Happy Little Doers awarded the ToyMark Award by Let Toys Be Toys Happy Little Doers is a finalist in the Progressive Preschool Awards 2023
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