doodlebox™ Activities

Welcome to the world of doodlebox™!

We’re working on a great resources section here, with ideas on activities to try out with your doodlebox™. The doodlebox™ is designed to explore creativity, try out problem-solving or simply practice some new skills and learning!

Whilst we are building behind the scenes, here’s a few activities to try out:

The Box Game*

Tic-tac-toe / Noughts & Crosses

Create a Wordsearch


Shapes Practise

Maths Practise

Writing Practise

* Not heard of The Box Game? This is a great travel game for 2-4 people! Take turns and draw one line between two points (either horizontally or vertically – not diagonally). The game is to try and draw lines, without letting your opponent make a complete square or ‘box’. When a player has made a complete box, they draw their initial or favourite shape inside. The winner is the person who has the most initials or shapes inside complete boxes.

Multi-award winning educational toy brand

Happy Little Doers wins in the Junior Design Awards 2021 for Best Educational Toy Happy Little Doers wins in the Junior Design Awards 2022 for Best Toy Design for +6 Years Happy Little Doers wins in the Junior Design Awards 2024 for Best Creative Educational Play 2024 Happy Little Doers wins in the Made for Mums Awards 2022 for Best Puzzle Fully STEM Accredited Toy Brand Happy Little Doers awarded the ToyMark Award by Let Toys Be Toys Happy Little Doers is a finalist in the Progressive Preschool Awards 2023
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