Different learning styles & home schooling
Written on 28th March, 2022
Every child learns differently and responds to individual styles of learning; some may prefer to learn by seeing or hearing whilst some by doing and others by reading. We’ve highlighted the four main learning style theories and highlighted them below, outlining how you can support their learning at home. All of the styles capture an individual strength that will aim to help them retain information more effectively.
While your child may fit more than one learning style, you may notice patterns in their learning preferences. Understanding how your child learns is one of the best ways you can help them at home.
Visual learning
Visual learners understand and remember things by seeing.
Is your child a visual learner?
- Does your child like bright colour-coded pictures, charts and diagrams?
- Does your child have a well-developed imagination and enjoy being creative?
- Do they read body language well?
How can you support visual learning at home?
- Write down words and key points
- Highlight important words or paragraphs
- Present facts to them in charts, diagrams and graphs
- Use Numbers, Shapes, Writing, and Phonics Flashcards
- Use colour coding to group facts/concepts together
- Keep the learning space uncluttered and peaceful, as too many activities can be distracting
- Make sure that they can see you when you are talking to them

Auditory learning
Auditory learners learn by listening and having things explained out loud to them.
Is your child an auditory learner?
- Does your child love music?
- Does your child respond well to spoken directions?
- Is your child interested in wordplay and language patterns?
How can you support auditory learning at home?
- Talk about the topic out loud with your child and hold a two-way conversation
- Encourage them to read books out loud
- Have mini spelling bee competitions to learn new words
- Write a song about facts that they are learning and then let them sing it to remember the facts
- Practise words in front of a mirror
Tactile learners
Tactile learners learn through touch and feel.
Is your child a tactile learner?
- Does your child like drawing or making arts and crafts at home?
- Do they like touching different objects / enjoy tactile activities?
- Does your child prefer to move around or stand up and struggle with staying seated for long periods of time?
How can you support tactile learning at home?
- Try and teach your child with real-life objects that they can touch
- Allow your child to stand or move around whilst learning to help them focus
- Build things and do arts and crafts related to your learning topic
- When teaching Numbers, Writing, Phonics, let your child practise using different textures (sand tray, chalk, paint, sticks)

Kinaesthetic learning
Kinaesthetic learners learn through doing and moving.
Is your child a kinaesthetic learner?
- Does your child have high levels of energy and good hand-eye coordination?
- Do they enjoy experiments?
- Do they have a quick reaction time?
- Do they have an excellent memory (motor memory)?
- Do they enjoy sports?
- Is your child highly intuitive?
How can you support kinaesthetic learning at home?
- Keep activities/learning sessions short and have lots of breaks
- Do as much learning through play (science experiments/role play)
- Go on field trips
- Ask your child to help you at home with household activities and teach whilst on the move
- Allow your child to walk around/pace about whilst reciting what they learnt/ answering questions.
Remember that your child is unique. They may be exclusively a visual learner or they may be a visual learner who also likes to be tactile. There is no wrong or right here. Let your child guide you and most importantly remember that most children love to learn through play! So have FUN!