Top Halloween inspiration for kids and our top picks and what to do if all else fails

Written on 28th October, 2020

Here are our top five picks of things to do this Halloween…



We all love baking but let’s be honest, you’ve promised the kids cake, you’ve hunted around but where is that key ingredient? You’re now on your hands and knees searching and hoping that you have everything with the kitchen already starting to get chaotic and looking messy (it happens to me all the time).   Little Cook Co have taken away the stress by supplying healthy and fun cooking activities in a neatly packaged box for your kids. You can sign up to whichever plan suits you and they send all the dry organic ingredients to make it. Baking made simple! Their kits are designed for ages 3-10.



We had great fun using the pumpkin templates created by Rachel Gale; a designer and mama with a range of babygrows, art prints and stationery. Halloween is a great time to get crafty and have fun. All kids who enter, (if this is your first challenge), you will get a FREE badge!



Sophie at Little Happy Learners made these amazing hanging bats and funny mummies! All you need is a toilet roll, some pipe cleaners and paper (if you have them, goggly eyes brings them to life!). For the bats paint the toilet roll black, stick on wings, eyes and teeth and use some pipe cleaner for their legs! For the mummies glue the roll and wrap strips of toilet paper around the roll. Then using what you have, add the eyes and mouth! Spooky!



This is some BIG Halloween door inspiration from modernluxeblog  We plan to give these a go this week and we’ll share how we get on.  If you too fancy giving them a go, check out Poonam’s blog for the ‘How to’. They look super impressive and easy. If you do try them tag modernluxeblog and of course @happylittledoers!


5. … and finally our favourite what to do if all else fails!


Simply cut open your pumpkin, scoop out and fill with ice!  The best wine cooler you’ll ever own thanks to the very talented mum of 4 girls and master of the cocktail maker and drinker Liv.  Enjoy!

Happy Halloween peeps!  Please tag us with your creations and celebrations! Enjoy x


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