When should my child start to learn with Happy Little Doers card?

Written on 22nd February, 2022

Your child starts learning as soon as their eyes are able to focus on objects so really, it is completely up to you from this point. Our early-year cards are specifically designed in black and white to minimise distraction, but also engage better focus early on in the childs development. The cards that have a greater focus on high contrast are our ‘Learn by Doing… Numbers’ and ‘Learn by Doing… Shapes‘ packs

Multi-award winning educational toy brand

Happy Little Doers wins in the Junior Design Awards 2021 for Best Educational Toy Happy Little Doers wins in the Junior Design Awards 2022 for Best Toy Design for +6 Years Happy Little Doers wins in the Made for Mums Awards 2022 for Best Puzzle Fully STEM Accredited Toy Brand Happy Little Doers awarded the ToyMark Award by Let Toys Be Toys Happy Little Doers is a finalist in the Progressive Preschool Awards 2023
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